Sunday clothes – myStamp BOX Family Showcase

The theme for the myStampBOX November Showcase is ‘Family’.

I recently discovered that there is no family photo of my own family. Sure there are lots of pictures of all of the individual family members and there are certainly pictures with my mother or father and one or more kids in it, but there is not a single one with my parents and their three children!

Luckily Harold does have one… And we really studied it before I went and created this lay-out. For Harold the most prominent feature in this photo are the Sunday clothes. Most of these clothes were handmade by his mother. He particularly remembers that he hated the shirt he is wearing. Another thing he notices are the haircuts. He and his sister were treated by the same hairdresser that they called ‘aunt Gerrie’. And that his parents look so young…

I notice that all colours coordinate. Even the background! The curtain is too short… And Harold and his sister seem to be standing on something, because they are too tall for their age. I also noticed that Harold has his hand in his pocket (Harold: That’s my ‘nonchalant pose’) and his sister has a fake smile.

myStamp BOX sets used: Back to the Basics, Repeat after Me, Royal Flush, Bold Blocks and Snapshot.

Now go and see what the other team members have created!

3 thoughts on “Sunday clothes – myStamp BOX Family Showcase

  1. Wat een geweldig leuk plaatje Marsha! Het doet mij bedenken dat ons gezin ook geen enkele familiefoto heeft waar we allemaal opstaan (tenminste voor zover ik weet). Hartstikke leuk hoe je naar de foto hebt gekeken en e.e.a. weet te omschrijven. En oooh zooo herkenbaar. Zeg maar tegen Harold dat hij er goed uitzag met zijn nonchalante pose! LOL


  2. jammer dat je zo weinig familiefoto’s hebt, ik heb gelukkig veel foto’s met mijn moeder samen. Omdat ze zelf heel weinig foto’s van zichzelf heeft als kind heeft ze overgecompenseerd lOL. Leuk dat je de foto van Harold hebt gescrapt, lekker retro !

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